PODCASTS I Aktuelle Tipps

PODCASTS I Aktuelle Tipps

In der Reihe ”Barbarians at the Gate” berichtet der Journalist Philip Cunningham auf amüsante Weise über die wichtigste Nachrichtensendung des chinesischen Staatssenders CCTV – Xinwen Lianbo +++ Kaiser Kuo spricht im Sinica-Podcast mit Raffaello Pantucci (Co-Autor des Buches “Sinostan”) über „China in the Eurasian Heartland” +++ In der Reihe „China in Context“ des SOAS London stellt Duncan Bartlett diesmal die Frage: ”What are the economic implications of a Chinese attack on Taiwan? Charles Parton (RUSI) versucht sie zu beantworten +++  Bonny Lin, Gastgeberin des CSIS-Podcast „China Power“, hat Bonnie S. Glaser (German Marshall Fund) zu Gast und befragt sie zu „The Chinese Surveillance Balloon incident in Context“. +++ In „Voice for CHOICE“ (China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe) spricht Grzegorz Stec (Merics) über “Unpacking EU-China Relations in 2023” +++ Gastgeber Paul Haenle spricht in “China in the World“ mit Alexander Gabuev (Carnegie), Li Mingjiang (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies) und Hoang Thi Ha (ISEAS, Singapur) über „China-Russia Relations One Year into the Ukraine War“.


Hier die Links zu den einzelnen Podcasts:

Barbarians at the Gate: https://blubrry.com/barbarians/93951104/cctv-follies-with-journalist-and-author-philip-cunningham/

Sinica: https://thechinaproject.com/2023/02/16/china-in-the-eurasian-heartland/?utm_source=The+China+Project&utm_campaign=673127267c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_02_17_09_47&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03c0779d50-673127267c-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

China in Context: https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/institutes-and-regional-centres/soas-china-institute/china-context

China Power: https://chinapower.csis.org/podcasts/the-chinese-surveillance-balloon-incident-in-context/

Voice for CHOICE: https://chinaobservers.eu/voice-for-choice-24-unpacking-eu-china-relations-in-2023-with-grzegorz-stec/

China in the World: https://china-in-the-world-6693cc67.simplecast.com/episodes/china-russia-relations-one-year-into-the-ukraine-war?utm_source=carnegieemail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=announcement&mkt_tok=ODEzLVhZVS00MjIAAAGKIB7y8HXtaFFyB7oqs3CA49nczj2PUN2E343yc7P-cGDZK5X6952P-LoWOJiFOOrYZ8HCL-C70nmv2HgkKqSg2PDCzIBi6FkjKEZrOQ

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